Settlement Quotes certifies that each Funder that bids on your structured settlement or other annuity payments meets the following minimum conditions:
- BBB Accredited Business—must be registered with the Better Business Bureau, have not more than 5 BBB complaints since registration, and have no unresolved complaints.
- Not Broker—must have management of the transfer process and access to its own funding sources and not merely a broker.
- Best Price—must have a policy and consistent practice of offering the best price upfront without haggling or hassle.
- Fast Service—must have a policy and consistent practice of completing a sale transaction in the fastest time permitted by law—usually 6 to 8 weeks for a routine case.
- No Defaults—must never have defaulted on a sale transaction.
- History—must have been in business for at least 3 full years.
- U.S. Domiciled—must be a company registered to do business and domiciled in the U.S.
- Nationwide Company—must be able to buy annuity payments in all 50 states and territories of the U.S.
- No Anti-Competitive Practices—must not engage in practices such as “servicing” (in a partial buyout case transferring into the funder’s name all of the annuity payments and then forwarding the unbought payments to the seller) so as to block potential competitors from participating in a subsequent sale transaction involving the unsold payments.