Press Releases
Settlement Quotes, LLC News
Press Releases Announces Google Rankings Once More Rising After SSL Implementation Has Today Announced the Company's Google Search Rankings Are Once More on the Rise After Their Site-Wide Rollout of SSL Encryption.
Hartford, Connecticut, December 10,2012 -, a leader in structured settlement sales, has today announced the firm's Google results rankings are once more climbing after implementing SSL encryption within their website.
More..: Sacrifices Google Rankings in Quest to Provide Utmost Security for Clients Took Fate in Their Hands and Sacrificed Online Visibility in Order to Provide Their Clients With the Highest Security and Protection
Hartford, Connecticut, November 26, 2012 - has fully switched to an SSL-encrypted server in order to ensure that clients enjoy the strongest protection for personal and financial data. The immediate result of this shift was a complete loss of Google search engine rankings, a loss of visibility that most companies would find untenable. took it all in stride.
Structured Settlement Quotes Inc. Offers Significantly More on a Recent Contract
In a recent contract accepted on October 12, 2012, Structured Settlement Quotes Inc. offered an annuitant $24,500.00 whereas Peachtree/JG Wentworth offered only $9,850.00. Their offer is 250 percent more than the offer given by the largest funding company in the Industry.
Hartford, Connecticut, October 29, 2012 - It's not unusual for someone with a structured settlement, annuity or lottery prize to need to turn their stream of payments over several years into a lump sum cash payment. Many of these individuals, however, can find the process to sell daunting, getting harassed by funding companies that lowball their price quotes and then contact them multiple times a day to try to convince them to sell to them.
JG Wentworth on the Auction Block
With JG Wentworth on the auction block there are all kinds of concerns in the structured settlement selling industry as reported by customers of Structured Settlement Quotes Inc. Only time will tell if those concerns are justified.
Hartford, Connecticut, October 22, 2012 - JG Wentworth, a financial services company that buys structured settlements--as well as annuities and lottery prizes--for cash, is expected to be put on the auction block later this month at a price that could go as high as $1 billion. It appears that JG Wentworth, itself, needs its cash now for reasons unknown.
Florida Ponzi Scheme Did Not Involve Structured Settlements
Many media inaccuracies leave consumers confused, says industry expert.
Annuitants Must Beware of Unscrupulous Companies and False Information
For annuitants seeking to sell their structured settlements, Settlement Quotes offers this advice: seller beware.
Settlement Quotes, LLC Creates Structured Settlement Broker Services Division
In the Wake of Financial Disaster, Many Financial Professionals Will Be Asked to Cash Out Structured Settlement Annuities For Clients.
Settlement Quotes, LLC Continues To Push Their Structured Settlement Discount Rate Calculator on Consumers
Six steps to make sure every annuitant receives the most money for their future payments.