If unforeseen circumstances have caused a financial crisis for you or your family and you need a liquid cash flow, then selling your annuity or settlement payments may be the solution to your problems. Those who cannot meet their mortgage payments or have unexpected medical bills should consider all their options. It is important to protect other assets or sources of income, so you need to calculate the risks and the potential benefits. If selling your annuity is the best way out of financial difficulty, there is help for you to get the best price.
When several companies or investors compete to buy your annuity payment rights, you have a better chance to get the best price. If you simply approach one company, they will give you a take-it-or-leave-it price and you may not know if you are receiving the best offer. In this particular industry many companies use tactics such as low-balling in hopes that you will accept their minimal offer which in return will maximize their profit. Using an exchange such as Settlement Quotes, LLC will help eliminate these types of tactics and will help you get the best price for your future structured settlement payment rights.
The first thing you need to do is to find out the potential worth of your annuity. This will give the information needed to decide if it is worth selling and, if so, what would be considered a good price. Settlement Quotes provides calculators which can help you determine the value of your annuity. Once you have found the value of your future payments it's time to decide whether there may be a better option instead of cashing in your annuity. Other options can include:
- bank loan
- borrowing money from friends or family members
- selling other assets
- checking with local Credit Unions
If you are asking yourself, should I sell my annuity, consider your other assets. If by selling your annuity you can save your house, avoid serious debt or pay medical or education bills it will be well worth it. With rates at historical lows, the cost of cashing in a structured settlement or annuity is much cheaper now than it ever has been and quite possibly ever will be. There may be better options so it's always best to consult with an attorney or financial planner before making any final decisions.
If you would like to obtain a free quote to sell your structured settlement or annuity payments, please complete the form at the top right of the page or call Settlement Quotes at 1-888-665-1257. Also, if you would like to use our free present value calculator or our discount rate calculator.