Once again this author awoke to another magnificent comment in moderation of this blog's comment section from non other than Woodbridge Investments. The irony of the comment was that it was placed on the following blog post: Do you want to Create a Structured Settlement?
Here is the comment:
"If you are currently receiving monthly or annual payments from a structured settlement, lottery or casino jackpot, or any other kind of annuity, there’s no reason to wait for your money. Woodbridge Investments will buy structured settlements for cash!"
Maybe Woodbridge didn't quite understand the meaning of that particular post. Regardless, I decided to give them a call once again. This time a gentleman answered the phone and wouldn't give me the time of day when I told the reason I was calling. I wonder if that is the way he speaks to a tort victim when they call trying to sell their settlement payments?
I then proceeded to use their contact form and state the following: PLEASE STOP SPAMMING MY BLOG!
Apparently this got someones attention because I received this email from Bob Shapiro a few minutes later:
"I don't know what these means but I have forwarded your email to my seo and ppc guys to ask and to correct whatever it is your talking about.
bob shapiro woodbridge investments"
Will the madness stop? We will see.....................